when a dream becomes reality...

A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work."  -Colin Powell

We are all dreamers, it's just good for the soul!  We have all dreamed of something and gotten so very excited (the "I cannot sleep" kind of excitement!)...  Planning, thinking, and envisioning our dream IS a reality!  Since childhood, we have swelled up with immense joy dreaming of one thing after another.  When the dream finally becomes a reality it is almost SURREAL!  

Michelle and I are pleased to be realizing one of our dreams, today.  With overwhelming excitement, we are starting on a new adventure together! As Michelle says, we are "fashionably late to the blog party" and couldn't be happier about it! 

We are thrilled to share this news with you and cannot wait to dive into our daily lives as we continue to learn and grow together.  This will be our little, quirky slice of internet property... our domain, our blog!  We are two creative mommas who have completely different professional backgrounds but many, many common bonds!  

We hope you will join our family and come back to visit often!